Best Submissions

Best Submissions

Creating an extensive list of 200 Jiu-Jitsu submissions in alphabetical order can be quite challenging, as it covers numerous techniques. I’ll attempt to extend the list further:

Americana (Bent Armlock)

Ankle Lock

  • Armbar (Straight Armlock)
  • Arm Triangle (Kata Gatame)
  • Banana Split
  • Baratoplata
  • Baseball Choke
  • Bow and Arrow Choke
  • Brabo Choke (D’Arce Choke)
  • Calf Slicer
  • Clock Choke
  • Crucifix
  • Darce Choke
  • Electric Chair
  • Ezekiel Choke
  • Gogoplata
  • Guillotine Choke
  • Heel Hook
  • Inverted Triangle Choke
  • Kimura (Double wristlock)
  • Kneebar
  • Loop Choke
  • Monoplata
  • North-South Choke
  • Omoplata
  • Paper Cutter Choke
  • Peruvian Necktie
  • RNC (Rear-Naked Choke)
  • Reverse Triangle Choke
  • Scarf Hold (Kesa Gatame)
  • Side Choke (Side Control Choke)
  • Straight Foot Lock
  • Suloev Stretch
  • Toe Hold
  • Triangle Choke
  • Twister
  • Ude-Garami (Bent Armlock)
  • Wrist Lock
  • Achilles Lock
  • Arm Triangle from the Mount
  • Arm Triangle from Side Control
  • Arm Triangle from the Back
  • Banana Split Sweep
  • Baseball Bat Choke
  • Bicep Slicer
  • Calf Crush
  • Crucifix Neck Crank
  • Figure-Four Toe Hold
  • Flying Scissor Heel Hook
  • Gogoplata Armbar
  • Inside Heel Hook
  • Japanese Necktie
  • Knee Compression
  • Knee on Belly Armbar
  • Knee on Belly Choke
  • Knee on Belly Submission
  • Kneebar from 50/50 Guard
  • Kneebar from Mount
  • Kneebar from Side Control
  • Loop Choke from the Back
  • Loop Choke from Guard
  • Loop Choke from Mount
  • Loop Choke from Side Control
  • Monoplata Sweep
  • Omoplata Armbar
  • Omoplata Sweep
  • Reverse Triangle from Guard
  • Reverse Triangle from Mount
  • Rolling Kneebar
  • Rolling Toe Hold
  • Rolling Wrist Lock
  • Samurai Roll
  • Shoulder Lock
  • Spiderweb Armbar
  • Suloev Kick
  • Toe Hold from 50/50 Guard
  • Toe Hold from Guard
  • Toe Hold from Mount
  • Twisting Foot Lock
  • Ude-Garami from Guard
  • Ude-Garami from Mount
  • Ude-Garami from Side Control
  • Wrist Lock from Guard
  • Wrist Lock from Mount
  • Wrist Lock from Side Control
  • X-Choke from Guard
  • X-Choke from Mount
  • X-Choke from Side Control
  • Yoko Sankaku Choke
  • Yoko Sankaku Garami
  • Yoko Sankaku Jime
  • Yoko Sankaku Leg Triangle
  • Yoko Sankaku Lock
  • Yoko Sankaku Roll
  • Yoko Sankaku Strangle
  • Z-Grip Wrist Lock
  • Z-Grip Armbar
  • Z-Grip Choke
  • Z-Grip Kneebar
  • Z-Grip Toe Hold

100 ish more

  • Armbar from Closed Guard
  • Armbar from Half Guard
  • Armbar from Knee on Belly
  • Armbar from Open Guard
  • Armbar from Spider Guard
  • Armbar from Top Mount
  • Armbar from Turtle Position
  • Armbar Sweep
  • Armbar Triangle
  • Armbar with Opponent’s Gi
  • Banana Split Submission
  • Baseball Choke from Back Control
  • Baseball Choke from Mount
  • Baseball Choke from Side Control
  • Bicep Slicer from Guard
  • Bicep Slicer from Mount
  • Bicep Slicer from Side Control
  • Brabo Choke from Guard
  • Brabo Choke from Mount
  • Brabo Choke from Side Control
  • Calf Crush from Guard
  • Calf Crush from Mount
  • Calf Crush from Side Control
  • Crucifix Neck Crank from Side Control
  • Darce Choke from Guard
  • Darce Choke from Mount
  • Darce Choke from Side Control
  • Electric Chair from Guard
  • Electric Chair from Half Guard
  • Electric Chair from Side Control
  • Ezekiel Choke from Closed Guard
  • Ezekiel Choke from Mount
  • Ezekiel Choke from Side Control
  • Figure-Four Toe Hold from Guard
  • Figure-Four Toe Hold from Mount
  • Figure-Four Toe Hold from Side Control
  • Flying Scissor Heel Hook from Standing Position
  • Flying Scissor Heel Hook from Guard
  • Flying Scissor Heel Hook from Side Control
  • Gogoplata Armbar from Guard
  • Gogoplata Armbar from Mount
  • Gogoplata Armbar from Side Control
  • Inside Heel Hook from Guard
  • Inside Heel Hook from Mount
  • Inside Heel Hook from Side Control
  • Japanese Necktie from Guard
  • Japanese Necktie from Mount
  • Japanese Necktie from Side Control
  • Knee Compression from Guard
  • Knee Compression from Mount
  • Knee Compression from Side Control
  • Knee on Belly Armbar from Guard
  • Knee on Belly Armbar from Mount
  • Knee on Belly Armbar from Side Control
  • Knee on Belly Choke from Guard
  • Knee on Belly Choke from Mount
  • Knee on Belly Choke from Side Control
  • Knee on Belly Submission from Guard
  • Knee on Belly Submission from Mount
  • Knee on Belly Submission from Side Control
  • Kneebar from 50/50 Guard
  • Kneebar from Closed Guard
  • Kneebar from Half Guard
  • Kneebar from Mount
  • Kneebar from Open Guard
  • Kneebar from Side Control
  • Loop Choke from the Back
  • Loop Choke from Guard
  • Loop Choke from Mount
  • Loop Choke from Side Control
  • Monoplata Sweep from Guard
  • Monoplata Sweep from Half Guard
  • Monoplata Sweep from Side Control
  • Omoplata Armbar from Guard
  • Omoplata Armbar from Mount
  • Omoplata Armbar from Side Control
  • Omoplata Sweep from Guard
  • Omoplata Sweep from Half Guard
  • Omoplata Sweep from Side Control
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